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Growth ≠ Change

By Anindya Arif


Can people change = growth ≠ change

You can grow as a person. Be better or worse. But you can never be a wholly different person. All the shitty things you have done will always be a part of you, and you must take responsibility for them forever. Similarly, all the good things you have done will be a part of you. Your genetics, environment, surroundings, and everything else have an interest in who you are. You can not escape determinism and fate and become someone else.

You should nevertheless try your hardest to break pre-conceived ideas and trauma. The struggle to become your best possible version every day—the battle to be a gentler, kinder and more competent person. But do not get so over-consumed in your growth that you let life pass you by; take a breather now and again, reflect on how far you have come, reflect on the mistakes you made, and then start again.

If you fuck up, that is fine as long as you take responsibility for it, fix what you can, apologise to those affected, dwell on what you did wrong and what you could have done then move on. Do not become stagnant. There is a whole world out there for you to explore and experience. Push yourself little by little every day, take breaks if needed, as many as you need, and learn to walk away from situations and people that do not go with your current state. Please do not force your ideals on them and expect them to change for you; people never will, and they do not owe you that. Compromises are also necessary but should not be at the cost of your sanity or personal boundaries.

Fight for what you feel is true to you, be it a cause or a relationship you want to save, but let go before it reaches a breaking point. The thing you were fighting for will always be beautiful. Your efforts will always be worth it regardless of how long you fought for it or how long it lasted.

Anindya Arif

Anindya Arif

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Created by Anindya Arif, at Kafkaesque, Anindya explores fictional pieces focused on the absurdity of modern life. He gears the non-fiction pieces towards anatomising people's struggles in our hyperpaced, brave new world. Struggles, both philosophical and those more grounded in reality. 

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